Brunch in Geneva

Enjoy a luxurious brunch buffet, a main dish of your choice, an extensive selection of cheeses, and a decadent dessert buffet.

Opening hours

Our themed brunch is subject to seasonal availability.
Telephone: +41 (0) 22 906 5514

2024 dates
12th May: Mother's Day brunch

Price: CHF 110 per person

Dietary requirements

We will be delighted to accommodate your brunch with any special dietary restrictions that you and your guests may have. If requested, we will endeavour to advise what buffet foods are suitable for those with allergies and dietary restrictions and offer plated dish alternatives. 

Our brunch buffet is prepared on special occasions, therefore we request 24-hours notice for any allergies or dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free requests. Please be aware that, as our food is produced in an environment where nuts are used, we cannot guarantee that our food is 100% free from nuts or nut traces.

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